ytt Northern Chumash Nonprofit Board


Yak Tityu Tityu Yak Tilhini Northern Chumash (ytt)

The yak titʸu titʸu yak tiłhini Northern Chumash Tribe of San Luis Obispo County and Region has a documented presence… (learn more)

Scott Lathrop, director

Scott is a founding member of ytt Northern Chumash Nonprofit. As President, a major focus has been to build relationships… (full bio here)


Melissa Hanson is a ninth-generation ytt tribal member from tiłhini (San Luis Obispo). She earned a BS in Food Science.… (full bio here)

Wendy Lucas, President

A retired physical therapist, Wendy obtained her Bachelor of Science degree from Cal State University Long Beach in Physical… (full bio here)


Kelsey Shaffer, VICE PRESIDENT

Kelsey Shaffer, a member of the yak titʸu titʸu yak tiłhini (the people of tiłhini) Northern Chumash… (full bio here)

Alturo Cabada, Treasurer

Alturo was born in the Central Valley of California and has one son, Colby Cabada. He is a Service… (full bio here)


Lisa Lathrop is a member of yak titʸu titʸu yak tiłhini Northern Chumash Tribe… (full bio here)

Sean Morris, Director

Sean Morris is a member of the yak titʸu titʸu yak tiłhini (the people of tiłhini) Northern Chumash… (full bio here)



ytt Northern Chumash Nonprofit Staff



Becca Lucas Thomas is a member of yak titʸu titʸu yak tiłhini Northern Chumash Tribe and cultural burn practitioner, born and raised in San Luis Obispo County. She brings over a decade of experience in nonprofits, sustainable agriculture, climate change policy and communications. With an M.A. in Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning and an M.S. in Agriculture Food and Environment from Tufts University, she also lectures in Cal Poly SLO’s Ethnic Studies department on Indigenous fire and land caring practices.

Email: blucasthomas@yttnonprofit.org



ytt Northern Chumash Nonprofit

The ytt Northern Chumash Nonprofit is a 501(c)(3) state and federal recognized organization that serves as the legal entity for  yak titʸu titʸu yak tiłhini Northern Chumash Tribe. Established in 2010, the Board of Directors works to support, promote, and advocate for yak titʸu titʸu yak tiłhini Northern Chumash Tribe.

We are committed to building positive working relationships with both private and public entities locally, statewide, and nationally, elevating the public’s awareness of the people who first lived in the San Luis Obispo County region known as tiłhini to the ytt Northern Chumash people.

Our Mission

In unison with the Tribal Council, the ytt Northern Chumash Nonprofit supports the preservation of our traditional lifeways; protection of our natural environment; regaining ancestral homelands; and the creation of economic opportunities to improve the quality of life for yak titʸu titʸu yak tiłhini Northern Chumash people.

Our Vision

We acknowledge that many Peoples now live in yak titʸu titʸu yak tiłhini Northern Chumash homelands. A place where people can learn about each other’s cultures, and how we all are connected to the Northern Chumash ancestral homelands.

Our Work

We employ a wide-ranging approach to promote public awareness of yak titʸu titʸu yak tiłhini Northern Chumash for the benefit of all generations by:

Advocating     Cultural Education, Tribal Events, Language Development

Promoting       Site Restoration, Land Stewardship, Volunteering

Supporting      Tribal Land Acquisition, Tribal Economic Development

Through partnerships with private, nonprofit, local, state, and federal entities, we are committed to building positive relationships and understanding of the ytt Northern Chumash people and vision for the region.